What Quran Says About Swear?
O ye who believe! When death approaches any of you, (take) witnesses among yourselves when making bequests,- two just men of your own (brotherhood) or others from outside if ye are journeying through the earth, and the chance of death befalls you (thus). If ye doubt (their truth), detain them both after prayer, and let them both swear by Allah. "We wish not in this for any worldly gain, even though the (beneficiary) be our near relation: we shall hide not the evidence before Allah. if we do, then behold! the sin be upon us!" [5:106]
But if it gets known that these two were guilty of the sin (of perjury), let two others stand forth in their places,- nearest in kin from among those who claim a lawful right: let them swear by Allah. "We affirm that our witness is truer than that of those two, and that we have not trespassed (beyond the truth): if we did, behold! the wrong be upon us!" [5:107]
So warn mankind of the Day when the Wrath will reach them: then will the wrong-doers say: "Our Lord! respite us (if only) for a short term: we will answer Thy call, and follow the apostles!" "What! were ye not wont to swear aforetime that ye should suffer no decline? [14:44]
They swore their strongest oaths by Allah that if a warner came to them, they would follow his guidance better than any (other) of the Peoples: But when a warner came to them, it has only increased their flight (from righteousness),- [35:42]
They swear their strongest oaths by Allah, that Allah will not raise up those who die: Nay, but it is a promise (binding) on Him in truth: but most among mankind realise it not. [16:38]
They swear their strongest oaths by Allah, that if a (special) sign came to them, by it they would believe. Say: "Certainly (all) signs are in the power of Allah. but what will make you (Muslims) realise that (even) if (special) signs came, they will not believe."? [6:109]
They swear their strongest oaths by Allah that, if only thou wouldst command them, they would leave (their homes). Say: "Swear ye not; Obedience is (more) reasonable; verily, Allah is well acquainted with all that ye do." [24:53]
On the Day that the Hour (of Reckoning) will be established, the transgressors will swear that they tarried not but an hour: thus were they used to being deluded! [30:55]
And those who believe will say: "Are these the men who swore their strongest oaths by Allah, that they were with you?" All that they do will be in vain, and they will fall into (nothing but) ruin. [5:53]
"Behold! are these not the men whom you swore that Allah with His Mercy would never bless? Enter ye the Garden: no fear shall be on you, nor shall ye grieve." [7:49]
Verily We have tried them as We tried the People of the Garden, when they resolved to gather the fruits of the (garden) in the morning. [68:17]
And he swore to them both, that he was their sincere adviser. [7:21]
They said: "Swear a mutual oath by Allah that we shall make a secret night attack on him and his people, and that we shall then say to his heir (when he seeks vengeance): 'We were not present at the slaughter of his people, and we are positively telling the truth.'" [27:49]
Is there (not) in these an adjuration (or evidence) for those who understand? [89:5]
I do call to witness the Resurrection Day; [75:1]
And I do call to witness the self-reproaching spirit: (Eschew Evil). [75:2]
So I do call to witness the ruddy glow of Sunset; [84:16]
I do call to witness this City;- [90:1]
So I do call to witness what ye see, [69:38]
Furthermore I call to witness the setting of the Stars,- [56:75]
And that is indeed a mighty adjuration if ye but knew,- [56:76]
So verily I call to witness the planets - that recede, [81:15]
Now I do call to witness the Lord of all points in the East and the West that We can certainly- [70:40]