What Quran Says About “Is Revealed” (Yooha)
It is no less than inspiration sent down to him: [53:4]
O Prophet! Fear God, and hearken not to the Unbelievers and the Hypocrites: verily God is full of Knowledge and Wisdom. [33:1] But follow that which comes to thee by inspiration from thy Lord: for Allah is well acquainted with (all) that ye do. [33:2]
We sent thee not, but as a Mercy for all creatures. [21:107] Say: "What has come to me by inspiration is that your Allah is One Allah. will ye therefore bow to His Will (in Islam)?" [21:108]
Say: "I am no bringer of new-fangled doctrine among the apostles, nor do I know what will be done with me or with you. I follow but that which is revealed to me by inspiration; I am but a Warner open and clear." [46:9]
Say: "I am but a man like yourselves, (but) the inspiration has come to me, that your Allah is one Allah. whoever expects to meet his Lord, let him work righteousness, and, in the worship of his Lord, admit no one as partner. [18:110]
Say thou: "I am but a man like you: It is revealed to me by Inspiration, that your God is one God: so stand true to Him, and ask for His Forgiveness." And woe to those who join gods with God,- [41:6] Those who practise not regular Charity, and who even deny the Hereafter. [41:7]
Say: "Truly am I a Warner: no god is there but the one God, Supreme and Irresistible,- [38:65] "The Lord of the heavens and the earth, and all between,- Exalted in Might, able to enforce His Will, Forgiving again and again." [38:66] Say: "That is a Message Supreme (above all),- [38:67] "From which ye do turn away! [38:68] "No knowledge have I of the Chiefs on high, when they discuss (matters) among themselves. [38:69] 'Only this has been revealed to me: that I am to give warning plainly and publicly." [38:70]
Perchance thou mayest (feel the inclination) to give up a part of what is revealed unto thee, and thy heart feeleth straitened lest they say, "Why is not a treasure sent down unto him, or why does not an angel come down with him?" But thou art there only to warn! It is Allah that arrangeth all affairs! [11:12]
Say: "I tell you not that with me are the treasures of Allah, nor do I know what is hidden, nor do I tell you I am an angel. I but follow what is revealed to me." Say: "can the blind be held equal to the seeing?" Will ye then consider not? [6:50] Give this warning to those in whose (hearts) is the fear that they will be brought (to judgment) before their Lord: except for Him they will have no protector nor intercessor: that they may guard (against evil). [6:51] Send not away those who call on their Lord morning and evening, seeking His face. In naught art thou accountable for them, and in naught are they accountable for thee, that thou shouldst turn them away, and thus be (one) of the unjust. [6:52] Thus did We try some of them by comparison with others, that they should say: "Is it these then that God hath favoured from amongst us?" Doth not God know best those who are grateful? [6:53] When those come to thee who believe in Our signs, Say: "Peace be on you: Your Lord hath inscribed for Himself (the rule of) mercy: verily, if any of you did evil in ignorance, and thereafter repented, and amend (his conduct), lo! He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. [6:54] Thus do We explain the signs in detail: that the way of the sinners may be shown up. [6:55]
No just estimate of God do they make when they say: "Nothing doth God send down to man (by way of revelation)" Say: "Who then sent down the Book which Moses brought?- a light and guidance to man: But ye make it into (separate) sheets for show, while ye conceal much (of its contents): therein were ye taught that which ye knew not- neither ye nor your fathers." Say: "God (sent it down)": Then leave them to plunge in vain discourse and trifling. [6:91] And this is a Book which We have sent down, bringing blessings, and confirming (the revelations) which came before it: that thou mayest warn the mother of cities and all around her. Those who believe in the Hereafter believe in this (Book), and they are constant in guarding their prayers. [6:92] Who can be more wicked than one who inventeth a lie against Allah, or saith, "I have received inspiration," when he hath received none, or (again) who saith, "I can reveal the like of what Allah hath revealed"? If thou couldst but see how the wicked (do fare) in the flood of confusion at death! - the angels stretch forth their hands, (saying),"Yield up your souls: this day shall ye receive your reward,- a penalty of shame, for that ye used to tell lies against Allah, and scornfully to reject of His signs!" [6:93]
Those who fear God, when a thought of evil from Satan assaults them, bring God to remembrance, when lo! they see (aright)! [7:201] But their brethren (the evil ones) plunge them deeper into error, and never relax (their efforts). [7:202] If thou bring them not a revelation, they say: "Why hast thou not got it together?" Say: "I but follow what is revealed to me from my Lord: this is (nothing but) lights from your Lord, and Guidance, and mercy, for any who have faith." [7:203]
But when Our Clear Signs are rehearsed unto them, those who rest not their hope on their meeting with Us, Say: "Bring us a reading other than this, or change this," Say: "It is not for me, of my own accord, to change it: I follow naught but what is revealed unto me: if I were to disobey my Lord, I should myself fear the penalty of a Great Day (to come)." [10:15] Say: "If God had so willed, I should not have rehearsed it to you, nor would He have made it known to you. A whole life-time before this have I tarried amongst you: will ye not then understand?" [10:16]
Say: "O ye men! Now Truth hath reached you from your Lord! those who receive guidance, do so for the good of their own souls; those who stray, do so to their own loss: and I am not (set) over you to arrange your affairs." [10:108] Follow thou the inspiration sent unto thee, and be patient and constant, till Allah do decide: for He is the best to decide. [10:109]
Has the story of Moses reached thee? [20:9] Behold, he saw a fire: So he said to his family, "Tarry ye; I perceive a fire; perhaps I can bring you some burning brand therefrom, or find some guidance at the fire." [20:10] But when he came to the fire, a voice was heard: "O Moses! [20:11] "Verily I am thy Lord! therefore (in My presence) put off thy shoes: thou art in the sacred valley Tuwa. [20:12] "I have chosen thee: listen, then, to the inspiration (sent to thee). [20:13]
"And indeed We conferred a favour on thee another time (before). [20:37] "Behold! We sent to thy mother, by inspiration, the message: [20:38]