What Quran Says About “Said, "Peace!"(Qala Salamun)
(Also mention in the Book (the story of) Abraham: He was a man of Truth, a prophet. [19:41] Behold, he said to his father: "O my father! why worship that which heareth not and seeth not, and can profit thee nothing? [19:42] "O my father! to me hath come knowledge which hath not reached thee: so follow me: I will guide thee to a way that is even and straight. [19:43] "O my father! serve not Satan: for Satan is a rebel against (God) Most Gracious. [19:44] "O my father! I fear lest a Penalty afflict thee from (God) Most Gracious, so that thou become to Satan a friend." [19:45] (The father) replied: "Dost thou hate my gods, O Abraham? If thou forbear not, I will indeed stone thee: Now get away from me for a good long while!" [19:46] Abraham said: "Peace be on thee: I will pray to my Lord for thy forgiveness: for He is to me Most Gracious. [19:47]
Has the story reached thee, of the honoured guests of Abraham? [51:24] Behold, they entered his presence, and said: "Peace!" He said, "Peace!" (and thought, "These seem) unusual people." [51:25]
There came Our messengers to Abraham with glad tidings. They said, "Peace!" He answered, "Peace!" and hastened to entertain them with a roasted calf. [11:69] But when he saw their hands went not towards the (meal), he felt some mistrust of them, and conceived a fear of them. They said: "Fear not: We have been sent against the people of Lut." [11:70] And his wife was standing (there), and she laughed: But we gave her glad tidings of Isaac, and after him, of Jacob. [11:71] She said: "Alas for me! shall I bear a child, seeing I am an old woman, and my husband here is an old man? That would indeed be a wonderful thing!" [11:72] They said: "Dost thou wonder at God's decree? The grace of God and His blessings on you, o ye people of the house! for He is indeed worthy of all praise, full of all glory!" [11:73] When fear had passed from (the mind of) Abraham and the glad tidings had reached him, he began to plead with us for Lut's people. [11:74] For Abraham was, without doubt, forbearing (of faults), compassionate, and given to look to God. [11:75]