Aaarid/Turn Away

What Quran Says About Turn Away?


O Apostle! let not those grieve thee, who race each other into unbelief: (whether it be) among those who say "We believe" with their lips but whose hearts have no faith; or it be among the Jews,- men who will listen to any lie,- will listen even to others who have never so much as come to thee. They change the words from their (right) times and places: they say, "If ye are given this, take it, but if not, beware!" If any one's trial is intended by God, thou hast no authority in the least for him against God. For such - it is not God's will to purify their hearts. For them there is disgrace in this world, and in the Hereafter a heavy punishment. [5:41] (They are fond of) listening to falsehood, of devouring anything forbidden. If they do come to thee, either judge between them, or decline to interfere. If thou decline, they cannot hurt thee in the least. If thou judge, judge in equity between them. For Allah loveth those who judge in equity. [5:42]

Therefore shun those who turn away from Our Message and desire nothing but the life of this world. [53:29] That is as far as knowledge will reach them. Verily thy Lord knoweth best those who stray from His Path, and He knoweth best those who receive guidance. [53:30]

If thou callest them to guidance, they hear not. Thou wilt see them looking at thee, but they see not. [7:198] Hold to forgiveness; command what is right; But turn away from the ignorant. [7:199]

And We have bestowed upon thee the Seven Oft-repeated (verses) and the Grand Quran. [15:87] Strain not thine eyes. (Wistfully) at what We have bestowed on certain classes of them, nor grieve over them: but lower thy wing (in gentleness) to the believers. [15:88] And say: "I am indeed he that warneth openly and without ambiguity,"- [15:89] (Of just such wrath) as We sent down on those who divided (Scripture into arbitrary parts),- [15:90] (So also on such) as have made Quran into shreds (as they please). [15:91] Therefore, by the Lord, We will, of a surety, call them to account, [15:92] For all their deeds. [15:93] Therefore expound openly what thou art commanded, and turn away from those who join false gods with Allah. [15:94]

Follow what thou art taught by inspiration from thy Lord: there is no god but He: and turn aside from those who join gods with Allah. [6:106] If it had been God's plan, they would not have taken false gods: but We made thee not one to watch over their doings, nor art thou set over them to dispose of their affairs. [6:107] Revile not ye those whom they call upon besides God, lest they out of spite revile God in their ignorance. Thus have We made alluring to each people its own doings. In the end will they return to their Lord, and We shall then tell them the truth of all that they did. [6:108] They swear their strongest oaths by God, that if a (special) sign came to them, by it they would believe. Say: "Certainly (all) signs are in the power of God: but what will make you (Muslims) realise that (even) if (special) signs came, they will not believe."? [6:109]

Say: It has been revealed to me that a company of Jinns listened (to the Quran). They said, 'We have really heard a wonderful Recital! [72:1] 'It gives guidance to the Right, and we have believed therein: we shall not join (in worship) any (gods) with our Lord. [72:2] 'And Exalted is the Majesty of our Lord: He has taken neither a wife nor a son. [72:3] 'There were some foolish ones among us, who used to utter extravagant lies against God; [72:4] 'But we do think that no man or spirit should say aught that untrue against God. [72:5] 'True, there were persons among mankind who took shelter with persons among the Jinns, but they increased them in folly. [72:6] 'And they (came to) think as ye thought, that God would not raise up any one (to Judgment). [72:7] 'And we pried into the secrets of heaven; but we found it filled with stern guards and flaming fires. [72:8] 'We used, indeed, to sit there in (hidden) stations, to (steal) a hearing; but any who listen now will find a flaming fire watching him in ambush. [72:9] 'And we understand not whether ill is intended to those on earth, or whether their Lord (really) intends to guide them to right conduct. [72:10] 'There are among us some that are righteous, and some the contrary: we follow divergent paths. [72:11] 'But we think that we can by no means frustrate God throughout the earth, nor can we frustrate Him by flight. [72:12] 'And as for us, since we have listened to the Guidance, we have accepted it: and any who believes in his Lord has no fear, either of a short (account) or of any injustice. [72:13] 'Amongst us are some that submit their wills (to God), and some that swerve from justice. Now those who submit their wills - they have sought out (the path) of right conduct: [72:14] 'But those who swerve,- they are (but) fuel for Hell-fire'- [72:15] (And God's Message is): "If they (the Pagans) had (only) remained on the (right) Way, We should certainly have bestowed on them Rain in abundance. [72:16] "That We might try them by that (means). But if any turns away from the remembrance of his Lord, He will cause him to undergo a severe Penalty. [72:17]

There came Our messengers to Abraham with glad tidings. They said, "Peace!" He answered, "Peace!" and hastened to entertain them with a roasted calf. [11:69] But when he saw their hands went not towards the (meal), he felt some mistrust of them, and conceived a fear of them. They said: "Fear not: We have been sent against the people of Lut." [11:70] And his wife was standing (there), and she laughed: But we gave her glad tidings of Isaac, and after him, of Jacob. [11:71] She said: "Alas for me! shall I bear a child, seeing I am an old woman, and my husband here is an old man? That would indeed be a wonderful thing!" [11:72] They said: "Dost thou wonder at God's decree? The grace of God and His blessings on you, o ye people of the house! for He is indeed worthy of all praise, full of all glory!" [11:73] When fear had passed from (the mind of) Abraham and the glad tidings had reached him, he began to plead with us for Lut's people. [11:74] For Abraham was, without doubt, forbearing (of faults), compassionate, and given to look to God. [11:75] O Abraham! Seek not this. The decree of thy Lord hath gone forth: for them there cometh a penalty that cannot be turned back! [11:76]

We do relate unto thee the most beautiful of stories, in that We reveal to thee this (portion of the) Quran: before this, thou too was among those who knew it not. [12:3] Behold! Joseph said to his father: "O my father! I did see eleven stars and the sun and the moon: I saw them prostrate themselves to me!" [12:4] Said (the father): "My (dear) little son! relate not thy vision to thy brothers, lest they concoct a plot against thee: for Satan is to man an avowed enemy! [12:5] "Thus will thy Lord choose thee and teach thee the interpretation of stories (and events) and perfect His favour to thee and to the posterity of Jacob - even as He perfected it to thy fathers Abraham and Isaac aforetime! for God is full of know ledge and wisdom." [12:6] Verily in Joseph and his brethren are signs (or symbols) for seekers (after Truth). [12:7] They said: "Truly Joseph and his brother are loved more by our father than we: But we are a goodly body! really our father is obviously wandering (in his mind)! [12:8] "Slay ye Joseph or cast him out to some (unknown) land, that so the favour of your father may be given to you alone: (there will be time enough) for you to be righteous after that!" [12:9] Said one of them: "Slay not Joseph, but if ye must do something, throw him down to the bottom of the well: he will be picked up by some caravan of travellers." [12:10] They said: "O our father! why dost thou not trust us with Joseph,- seeing we are indeed his sincere well-wishers?

[12:11] "Send him with us tomorrow to enjoy himself and play, and we shall take every care of him." [12:12] (Jacob) said: "Really it saddens me that ye should take him away: I fear lest the wolf should devour him while ye attend not to him." [12:13] They said: "If the wolf were to devour him while we are (so large) a party, then should we indeed (first) have perished ourselves!" [12:14] So they did take him away, and they all agreed to throw him down to the bottom of the well: and We put into his heart (this Message): 'Of a surety thou shalt (one day) tell them the truth of this their affair while they know (thee) not' [12:15] Then they came to their father in the early part of the night, weeping. [12:16] They said: "O our father! We went racing with one another, and left Joseph with our things; and the wolf devoured him.... But thou wilt never believe us even though we tell the truth." [12:17] They stained his shirt with false blood. He said: "Nay, but your minds have made up a tale (that may pass) with you, (for me) patience is most fitting: Against that which ye assert, it is God (alone) Whose help can be sought".. [12:18] Then there came a caravan of travellers: they sent their water-carrier (for water), and he let down his bucket (into the well)...He said: "Ah there! Good news! Here is a (fine) young man!" So they concealed him as a treasure! But God knoweth well all that they do! [12:19] The (Brethren) sold him for a miserable price, for a few dirhams counted out: in such low estimation did they hold him! [12:20] The man in Egypt who bought him, said to his wife: "Make his stay (among us) honourable: may be he will bring us much good, or we shall adopt him as a son." Thus did We establish Joseph in the land, that We might teach him the interpretation of stories (and events). And God hath full power and control over His affairs; but most among mankind know it not. [12:21] When Joseph attained His full manhood, We gave him power and knowledge: thus do We reward those who do right. [12:22] But she in whose house he was, sought to seduce him from his (true) self: she fastened the doors, and said: "Now come, thou (dear one)!" He said: "God forbid! truly (thy husband) is my lord! he made my sojourn agreeable! truly to no good come those who do wrong!" [12:23] And (with passion) did she desire him, and he would have desired her, but that he saw the evidence of his Lord: thus (did We order) that We might turn away from him (all) evil and shameful deeds: for he was one of Our servants, sincere and purified. [12:24] So they both raced each other to the door, and she tore his shirt from the back: they both found her lord near the door. She said: "What is the (fitting) punishment for one who formed an evil design against thy wife, but prison or a grievous chastisement?" [12:25] He said: "It was she that sought to seduce me - from my (true) self." And one of her household saw (this) and bore witness, (thus):- "If it be that his shirt is rent from the front, then is her tale true, and he is a liar! [12:26] "But if it be that his shirt is torn from the back, then is she the liar, and he is telling the truth!" [12:27] So when he saw his shirt,- that it was torn at the back,- (her husband) said: "Behold! It is a snare of you women! truly, mighty is your snare! [12:28] "O Joseph, pass this over! (O wife), ask forgiveness for thy sin, for truly thou hast been at fault!" [12:29]