
What Quran Says About "Sustenance"


God doth enlarge, or grant by (strict) measure, the sustenance (which He giveth) to whomso He pleaseth. (The wordly) rejoice in the life of this world: But the life of this world is but little comfort in the Hereafter. [13:26]

Nor strain thine eyes in longing for the things We have given for enjoyment to parties of them, the splendour of the life of this world, through which We test them: but the provision of thy Lord is better and more enduring. [20:131]

I have only created Jinns and men, that they may serve Me.[51:56] No Sustenance do I require of them, nor do I require that they should feed Me. [51:57]

Verily thy Lord doth provide sustenance in abundance for whom He pleaseth, and He provideth in a just measure. For He doth know and regard all His servants.[17:30]

If God were to enlarge the provision for His Servants, they would indeed transgress beyond all bounds through the earth; but he sends (it) down in due measure as He pleases. For He is with His Servants Well-acquainted, Watchful. [42:27]

God has bestowed His gifts of sustenance more freely on some of you than on others: those more favoured are not going to throw back their gifts to those whom their right hands possess, so as to be equal in that respect. Will they then deny the favours of God? [16:71]

To Him belong the keys of the heavens and the earth: He enlarges and restricts. The Sustenance to whom He will: for He knows full well all things. [42:12]

When We give men a taste of Mercy, they exult thereat: and when some evil afflicts them because of what their (own) hands have sent forth, behold, they are in despair! [30:36] See they not that God enlarges the provision and restricts it, to whomsoever He pleases? Verily in that are Signs for those who believe. [30:37]

Now, when trouble touches man, he cries to Us: But when We bestow a favour upon him as from Ourselves, he says, "This has been given to me because of a certain knowledge (I have)!" Nay, but this is but a trial, but most of them understand not! [39:49] Thus did the (generations) before them say! But all that they did was of no profit to them. [39:50] Nay, the evil results of their Deeds overtook them. And the wrong-doers of this (generation)- the evil results of their Deeds will soon overtake them (too), and they will never be able to frustrate (Our Plan)!

[39:51] Know they not that God enlarges the provision or restricts it, for any He pleases? Verily, in this are Signs for those who believe! [39:52]

"For ye do worship idols besides God, and ye invent falsehood. The things that ye worship besides God have no power to give you sustenance: then seek ye sustenance from God, serve Him, and be grateful to Him: to Him will be your return. [29:17] "And if ye reject (the Message), so did generations before you: and the duty of the apostle is only to preach publicly (and clearly)." [29:17]

Never did We send a warner to a population, but the wealthy ones among them said: "We believe not in the (Message) with which ye have been sent." [34:34] They said: "We have more in wealth and in sons, and we cannot be punished." [34:35] Say: "Verily my Lord enlarges and restricts the Provision to whom He pleases, but most men understand not." [34:36]

It is not your wealth nor your sons, that will bring you nearer to Us in degree: but only those who believe and work righteousness - these are the ones for whom there is a multiplied Reward for their deeds, while secure they (reside) in the dwellings on high! [34:37] Those who strive against Our Signs, to frustrate them, will be given over into Punishment. [34:38] Say: "Verily my Lord enlarges and restricts the Sustenance to such of his servants as He pleases: and nothing do ye spend in the least (in His cause) but He replaces it: for He is the Best of those who grant Sustenance. [34:39]

God enlarges the sustenance (which He gives) to whichever of His servants He pleases; and He (similarly) grants by (strict) measure, (as He pleases): for God has full knowledge of all things.[29:62]

Say: "See ye what things God hath sent down to you for sustenance? Yet ye hold forbidden some things thereof and (some things) lawful." Say: "Hath God indeed permitted you, or do ye invent (things) to attribute to God?" [10:59]

O Children of Adam! wear your beautiful apparel at every time and place of prayer: eat and drink: But waste not by excess, for God loveth not the wasters. [7:31] Say: Who hath forbidden the beautiful (gifts) of God, which He hath produced for His servants, and the things, clean and pure, (which He hath provided) for sustenance? Say: They are, in the life of this world, for those who believe, (and) purely for them on the Day of Judgment. Thus do We explain the signs in detail for those who understand. [7:32]

Women impure are for men impure, and men impure for women impure and women of purity are for men of purity, and men of purity are for women of purity: these are not affected by what people say: for them there is forgiveness, and a provision honourable. [24:26]

Those who believe, and adopt exile, and fight for the Faith, in the cause of God as well as those who give (them) asylum and aid,- these are (all) in very truth the Believers: for them is the forgiveness of sins and a provision most generous. [8:74]

For, Believers are those who, when God is mentioned, feel a tremor in their hearts, and when they hear His signs rehearsed, find their faith strengthened, and put (all) their trust in their Lord; [8:2] Who establish regular prayers and spend (freely) out of the gifts We have given them for sustenance: [8:3] Such in truth are the believers: they have grades of dignity with their Lord, and forgiveness, and generous sustenance: [8:4]

"Those who believe and work righteousness, for them is forgiveness and a sustenance most generous. [22:50]

That He may reward those who believe and work deeds of righteousness: for such is Forgiveness and a Sustenance Most Generous." [34:4]

For them is a Sustenance determined, [37:41]

Verily in the heavens and the earth, are Signs for those who believe. [45:3] And in the creation of yourselves and the fact that animals are scattered (through the earth), are Signs for those of assured Faith. [45:4] And in the alternation of Night and Day, and the fact that God sends down Sustenance from the sky, and revives therewith the earth after its death, and in the change of the winds,- are Signs for those that are wise. [45:5]

Say: See ye? If God were to make the day perpetual over you to the Day of Judgment, what god is there other than God, who can give you a night in which ye can rest? Will ye not then see? [28:72] It is out of His Mercy that He has made for you Night and Day,- that ye may rest therein, and that ye may seek of his Grace;- and in order that ye may be grateful. [28:73]

There was, for Saba, aforetime, a Sign in their home-land - two Gardens to the right and to the left. "Eat of the Sustenance (provided) by your Lord, and be grateful to Him: a territory fair and happy, and a Lord Oft-Forgiving! [34:15] But they turned away (from God), and We sent against them the Flood (released) from the dams, and We converted their two garden (rows) into "gardens" producing bitter fruit, and tamarisks, and some few (stunted) Lote-trees. [34:16] That was the Requital We gave them because they ungratefully rejected Faith: and never do We give (such) requital except to such as are ungrateful rejecters. [34:17] Between them and the Cities on which We had poured our blessings, We had placed Cities in prominent positions, and between them We had appointed stages of journey in due proportion: "Travel therein, secure, by night and by day." [34:18] But they said: "Our Lord! Place longer distances between our journey-stages": but they wronged themselves (therein). At length We made them as a tale (that is told), and We dispersed them all in scattered fragments. Verily in this are Signs for every (soul that is) patiently constant and grateful. [34:19] And on them did Satan prove true his idea, and they followed him, all but a party that believed. [34:20] But he had no authority over them,- except that We might test the man who believes in the Hereafter from him who is in doubt concerning it: and thy Lord doth watch over all things. [34:21]

And remember Moses prayed for water for his people; We said: "Strike the rock with thy staff." Then gushed forth therefrom twelve springs. Each group knew its own place for water. So eat and drink of the sustenance provided by God, and do no evil nor mischief on the (face of the) earth. [2:60]

That which is on earth we have made but as a glittering show for the earth, in order that We may test them - as to which of them are best in conduct. [18:7] Verily what is on earth we shall make but as dust and dry soil (without growth or herbage). [18:8] Or dost thou reflect that the Companions of the Cave and of the Inscription were wonders among Our Sign? [18:9] Behold, the youths betook themselves to the Cave: they said, "Our Lord! bestow on us Mercy from Thyself, and dispose of our affair for us in the right way!" [18:10] Then We draw (a veil) over their ears, for a number of years, in the Cave, (so that they heard not): [18:11] Then We roused them, in order to test which of the two parties was best at calculating the term of years they had tarried! [18:12] We relate to thee their story in truth: they were youths who believed in their Lord, and We advanced them in guidance: [18:13] We gave strength to their hearts: Behold, they stood up and said: "Our Lord is the Lord of the heavens and of the earth: never shall we call upon any god other than Him: if we did, we should indeed have uttered an enormity! [18:14] "These our people have taken for worship gods other than Him: why do they not bring forward an authority clear (and convincing) for what they do? Who doth more wrong than such as invent a falsehood against God? [18:15] "When ye turn away from them and the things they worship other than God, betake yourselves to the Cave: Your Lord will shower His mercies on you and disposes of your affair towards comfort and ease." [18:16] Thou wouldst have seen the sun, when it rose, declining to the right from their Cave, and when it set, turning away from them to the left, while they lay in the open space in the midst of the Cave. Such are among the Signs of God: He whom God, guides is rightly guided; but he whom God leaves to stray,- for him wilt thou find no protector to lead him to the Right Way. [18:17] Thou wouldst have deemed them awake, whilst they were asleep, and We turned them on their right and on their left sides: their dog stretching forth his two fore-legs on the threshold: if thou hadst come up on to them, thou wouldst have certainly turned back from them in flight, and wouldst certainly have been filled with terror of them. [18:18] Such (being their state), we raised them up (from sleep), that they might question each other. Said one of them, "How long have ye stayed (here)?" They said, "We have stayed (perhaps) a day, or part of a day." (At length) they (all) said, "God (alone) knows best how long ye have stayed here.... Now send ye then one of you with this money of yours to the town: let him find out which is the best food (to be had) and bring some to you, that (ye may) satisfy your hunger therewith: And let him behave with care and courtesy, and let him not inform any one about you. [18:19]